1. Thinking about scope

    Scope is one of those things that is very easy to lose track of. The natural response from a lot of developers is to try to scope everything as globally as possible just because "you never know where you'll need access to something" Take this small C++ class as an…

  2. Work with new tech

    Stagnation is a challenge. Regardless of how fun it can be to do slight variations and improvements on the same thing it is very easy to get stuck in one area of thought. I believe most people who read this know what kind of development I do for a living,…

  3. Embrace your differences

    Software development methodologies are many and very varied. If you take almost any two developers in the world they will differ in how they do things at least in some minor way, and quite frequently you will see major differences. In any development team you will need to try to…

  4. Finds of the week

    For the third time these are the top things that caught my interest on the internet this week: gdocs2md - A script to convert a Google Drive Document to the markdown format: https://github.com/mangini/gdocs2md This is quite useful if you have to collaborate on a document with…

  5. Music and focus

    I work in an open office space and because of that listening to music through big bulky over-priced headphones is a big part of my working day since we (software engineers) need to spend quite a bit of time inside our own heads to do what it is that we…