Customisation vs over fiddling
I use a lot of software, and I am very picky about how the software I use works. If something does not work the way I want it to then it will start bugging me really quickly. This is pretty typical of the type of user I am, I belong…
Porting as an exercise in code cleanliness
Porting code from one platform to another brings a whole set of interesting challenges. These challenges bring a whole set of opportunities for looking at your code with fresh eyes. The biggest challenge is most likely if you need to convert your code into a different programming language. This is…
Solving more interesting problems
I love problem solving. There are few things I find as satisfying in software development as finding a creative solution to a complex problem. Because of this I've also kind of become “that guy who fixes the tricky stuff” around the office. I'm the guy who gets to do work…
C++ is not going away
I came across this post a few days ago: The Great Programming Language Continuum; or why C++ is dying As someone who programs in C++ frequently and who is fairly connected to the C++ community I think that this author really has no idea what he is talking about in…
Don't ignore compiler warnings
I know some developers who see them as the bane of their existance, others who think that that they shouldn't even look at them and a rare few who think they are important to read. If you didn't guess from the headline this is about compiler warnings, and I belong…